So this past Saturday I went to the theater department's play auditions. I stayed for the first group of students. What ended up happening was they got about an hour ahead of schedule since the students didn't take the full time to audition that they had. They ran out of students to have audition and had to make calls to students to come in sooner than their scheduled times. Of the first thirteen I saw, I picked two males that I thought could fit roles in my movie (Lee Becker and David Wettle) and two females that could fit roles in my movie (Carmella Losi and Brianna Kowitzkiss). I am a little worried because Brianna is a bit older and may create imbalance if I get David to act, who looks younger. This is assuming I go with the "Puzzle to My Heart" script which will be set in the library at school.
I came up with another idea inspired by a dream I had last night and a discussion I had with a friend of mine about "nightwalk" which is a type of storytelling that takes place in a daydream and then reveals something significant about the character (his definition, not mine).
"The Goners"
And even in dreams, there's no such thing as safety.
It would be about a girl who gets kidnapped in her dreams and can't tell whether she was kidnapped in real life or if she had died.
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