Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Assignment #5: Script, Draft One

This assignment is fairly self-explanatory. I'd already had my finished script before the semester started but I had a friend go through my first draft and edit it just this past Thursday. Nothing major changed. He just got rid of a lot of excess direction and awkward wording so now the script will hopefully read more smoothly.

I think it's quite amusing that it's going to be twelve pages long no matter what I do to it. It was twelve pages long when I first wrote it, then when I added more stuff it was twelve pages long, and now that it's edited it's still twelve pages long. Hopefully it won't be twelve minutes long because that's way too long for this movie and since I have a montage that's two pages long, it should probably only be about nine to ten minutes long. Or so I'm hoping.

And I just found a new song that I'm crazy about, and I can't use it because it's copyrighted. Let's hope I can find something similar I can alter later on, 'cause it's a damn good song.

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